Nicolás G. BELLINI A. Apps

PVT Calculations Oil and Gas 2
With this application you cancalculatedifferent PVT properties of Oil, Gas and Condensate wateratdifferent pressures and temperatures.Plotter has a curve that allows the various properties.This preliminary version allows calculationOil volume factor (Bo)Oil Bubble Pressure (Pb)Gas dissolved in the Petroleum (Rs)Compressibility (Co)Viscosity (muo)Water Volume Factor (Bw)Oil Bubble Pressure (Pb)Gas dissolved in water (Rsw)Compressibility of water (Cw)Water Viscosity (Muw)Ideal Gas factor desviation (Z)
Dissolved Gas in Oil 1
With this application you know the capacityofthe dissolving gas oil for a given pressure and temperature.Correlations are integrated in this version:standingVasquez and BeggsHanafyGlasoVer 1.5Correlations added:Al-MorhounOsman Dokla